Stop Being Ignored

I started this blog because I was ignored many times through my life. To me, there is nothing worse than feeling ignored. Sometimes, it is nice to have the peace of anonymity.It is the lonlieness that comes with being ignored that is the knife in the back of my moral. I am not sure why so many people I once loved chose to turn their back on me. I often ask God why is this so. I reach out to people trying always to make them feel better, because I know what it feels like to be left behind like old tennis shoes.

This blog means a lot to me, I hope to make it more exciting and yet personal enough that people come along and find something that makes their day happier. I hope you find people that uplift you and don’t leave you, remember the ones that left you are like nomads let them go into the sands while you stay close enough to the refuge of shade. (somewhere in between must be the happy medium.) Don’t be afraid to talk to people. If you have been abandoned many times in your life talk to others with similar issues, many of us have lost loved ones not through death but by choice the choice of the people we loved. It is one of the worst feelings to be left behind and I strive to overcome the pain that has been brought to me throughout my life with more love. I feel losing love one must give even  more as if to say “You can’t hurt me, I can love more than you can take away from me.”

Someday we may be rewarded… God bless never feel alone !!!


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